
TIM BURTON: THE MONSTER AND THE CROWD; a Post-Jungian Perspective, London: Routledge (February 2010).

Tim Burton: The Monster and the Crowd offers an entirely fresh perspective on Tim Burton’s works. The book is essential reading for students and scholars of film or Jungian psychology, as well as anyone interested in critical issues in contemporary culture. It will also be of great help to those fans of Tim Burton who have been searching for a profound academic analysis of his works.

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Other publications

• (forthcoming) ‘Individual and Society in the Films of Tim Burton’, in Jung and Film: the Return (Christopher Hauke and Luke Hockley, eds.), London: Routledge (2011).

• ‘The Father, The Dark Child, and the Mob that Kills Him: Tim Burton's Representation of the Creative Artist’, in Psyche and the Arts (Susan Rowland, ed.), London: Routledge (2008), pp. 87-95. [books@google]

• ‘The Postmodern Self, Female Individuation and Flying Saucers in John Fowles’s A Maggot’, Harvest, vol.52 (2006), pp. 72-85.

• ‘Gothic Archetypes in Hollywood: the Trickster and the Shadow in Batman and The Mask’, Anglophilia, vol.15 (2004), pp. 199-207. [books@google]
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